Plagiarism: What is it and how to avoid it?
Tue, Apr 19
|Microsoft Teams
In this talk, Dr. Angus McMurtry will explore and describe what counts as plagiarism and what does not. He will also discuss how to use referencing and other techniques to engage with existing literature without committing plagiarism.

Time & Location
Apr 19, 2022, 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EDT
Microsoft Teams
About the event
In this talk, Dr. Angus McMurtry will explore and describe what counts as plagiarism and what does not. He will also discuss how to use referencing and other techniques to engage with existing literature without committing plagiarism.
Link to event: https://uottawa-ca.zoom.us/j/3914314727?pwd=N2R0RHAvT2p0WGEzemZDb1JpeXc5UT09
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Meeting ID: 391 431 4727
Passcode: 754980
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